Real Estate Valley

Property Dealers Jalalpur pirwala

August 19, 2023 | by

Jalalpur Pirwala is a city and the capital of Jalalpur Pirwala Tehsil, Multan District, Pakistan. This city is about 90 km away towards south from Multan city. Top Property Dealers Jalalpur Pirwala are given here.

Buying or selling a house or apartment is one of the biggest decisions in a person’s life for protection of their families. And when selling or pricing real estate, people look to real estate agents for their work. A real estate agent has the power to convince a potential homeowner that he or she is trustworthy and knowledgeable. In many ways, the agent acts as an advisor to individuals and families who are about to make a major commitment about their properties. Real estate agents have a thorough knowledge of the real estate market in their community. They know which neighborhoods will suit their client’s needs and budget.

Real estate agents are generally independent salespeople who provide their services to licensed brokers on a contract basis.

والوٹ پراپرٹی سنٹر

Tel: 0304 8484154

Address: G68F+8M2, Tariq Jamal Shaheed Rd, Jalalpur Pirwala, Multan, Punjab

انصافی پراپرٹی (نائیک شانو جٹ)

Tel: 0300 7196735

Address: Jalalpur Pirwala, Multan, Punjab

Abdullah Fahad Property Adviser

Tel: 0301 2840411

Address: 1 Bait Panohan Rd, Jalalpur Pirwala, Multan, Punjab 60000


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